What is SIGOPT

The special interest group in optimization (German: ''Fachgruppe Optimierung''), SIGOPT, was created in 1993 under the auspices of the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV) with the purpose of encouraging cooperation among its members, and of facilitating communication between them. It is primarily intended to meet the needs of those interested in mathematical optimization, both theory and practice.

SIGOPT provides a forum for discussing actual and future developments in a broad variety of disciplines associated with optimization, and actively supports interdisciplinary research and applications to industry. In particular, SIGOPT encourages students and younger scientists to become involved in research in optimization.

The current SIGOPT team consists of

What is Opt-Net

The Opt-Net is an electronic forum for the optimization community organized by SIGOPT under the auspices of the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV). The basic services provided by Opt-Net are a weekly digest containing a moderated list of contributions and the Opt-Net archive.

Everybody is invited to contribute to the weekly digest that is sent to all Opt-Net members. Please send Opt-Net digest contributions to:


This website is partially granted by Trier University. We always welcome comments and questions .